Why Christian Arabic Services?
The church is strongest in any society when Christians know what the Bible teaches about faith in Jesus Christ and the life principles that help them live in their society as God’s instruments of love and peace.
Christian Arabic Services is guided by a philosophy that makes us helpers and not primary leaders. From the beginning, we have sought to assist Safaa Fahmi and his workers with funding, teachers, and wisdom gathered from our experiences with similar mission works. Under Safaa’s leadership, Egyptian Christians design and implement the educational and benevolent work that has developed through Christian Arabic Services.
Egypt was first known as the land of Mizraim. Mizraim was Noah’s grandson, the son of Ham. Abraham goes to Egypt because of a famine. Joseph was sold into slavery. Jacob moves all of his family to Egypt. Jeremiah flees the Assyrians by going to Egypt. Joseph and Mary escape Herod with Jesus by going to Egypt.
Tradition holds that Mark, writer of the second gospel, went to Egypt and planted Christian Churches. The Coptic Orthodox Church claims to be the spiritual descendant of Mark’s missionary labors (the word “Coptic” means “Egyptian”).
Muslim forces defeated Cairo and Alexandria in 642. Largely a Coptic Christian nation, the majority of people under duress converted to Islam by the ninth century.
The twentieth century Egyptian monarchy was overthrown in 1952 and a constitutional form of government was established, creating a secular state. Non-Islamic religions are tolerated. Christians are at a disadvantage in employment, business, and civil matters. Yet, Jesus is always greater than any and all governments.
A Map of Egypt for Prayer
Please pray for the cities of Egypt!
Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.
Psalm 2:8